George Peirce: America’s Founding Father’s


My Pierce family lineage in America begins with George Pierce my seventh great grandfather (Pearce as the name appears to have been written by him) who was born in Winscombe, Somerset, England in February 1654, son of George Gilbert Pierce and Margaret Pierce.

There is no doubt that George was among America’s founding father’s of this great nation when you look at the history and see how many thousands of people connect through this line to him and his wife Ann.  What a remarkable heritage he has given us.

George first married Ann Gainer (Gayner), a native of Thornbury, in the county of Gloucester, England, at a Quaker Meeting.  Ann was the daughter of William and Ann (Jones) Gayner.  Ann was born about 1663, at Oldbury on Sever, Thornbury, Gloucestershire, England. They were married the 1st day of February, 1679. (date prior to the Georgian calendar).

George and Ann emigrated with their three small children from Bristol, the seaport nearest his residence, in 1684, and had a tract of 490 acres of land surveyed for him in what is now Thornbury Township prior to leaving England.

George was one of the earliest and most influential inhabitants of this township named in memory of the Thornbury district of the country from which his wife Ann was born and raised.  It was a desire on his part to keep up the associations most dear to him.  From all the research I have found he appeared to have great affection for his wife and his family.

Thornbury township, Chester County was organized in 1687 by the appointment of Hugh Durborrow as constable, when not more than five or six families had settled within its limits.  It was surveyed in right of the first purchasers. This township along with Birmingham and Westtown, were the only townships within the limits of Chester County which were organized before 1704. Prior to its founding, the Delaware Indians traveled the beautiful rolling landscape. Both branches of Chester Creek wind through Thornbury and flow to join the Delaware river. The Battle of Brandywine during the Revolutionary War was partially fought in Thornbury Township and George Pearce was most likely among the Militia. It was one of Thornbury’s citizens, Squire Thomas Cheyney, who informed Washington of the approach of the British.


George arrived at Philadelphia prior to Nov 4, 1684 (this being the calendar prior to the use of the Georgian Calendar,  then Feb. being the twelfth month), , which that day he presented two certificates to a meeting of Friends (Quaker) held at the Governor’s house.  One of these certificates was from the Monthly meeting at Frenshay, in the County of Gloucester. The other was from the Thornbury Meeting.

It is believed that he settled on his newly purchased land in 1865, but his name first appears as an active member of Chichester Friends Meeting in 1686. Shortly after which meetings were sometimes held at his house. He obtained a patent for this land September 22, 1685 and settled just two miles down the road from William Brinton of two of his daughters married his sons .

George was strict in his attention to his religious duties. He gave a share of his time to civil affairs and was dutiful to the improvement of the country.  He was amongst the first to be appointed an overseer in the meeting and afterwards became an elder. He represented Chester County in the Provincial Assembly in 1706 and was released of this duty in 1722 “by reason of his age and he being thick of hearing” per his request. This is documented in the records of the Meetings.


Concord Township, Pennsylvania was formed in 1683. Originally located in Chester County, the township became part of Delaware County when Chester County was partitioned in 1789. “Concord Township encompasses four villages [Concordville, Elam, Markham and Ward] whose past tells the story of Pennsylvania and early America’s development. Located at a vital transportation hub, the Township’s development has always reflected major national and regional economic and demographic trends.”

“Modern Concordville occupies the junction of two of the earliest public roads in the English colonies: Baltimore Pike or U.S. Route One, and Concord Road, laid out by William Penn’s surveyors. The original path of Baltimore Pike lay roughly along the driveway that separates today’s Concord Friends’ Meeting house from “the Grange” building . The buildings on Concord Road at the intersection of Thornton Road and the Friend’s driveway constitute the Concordville National Register Historic District. Many of these buildings qualify for inclusion on the National Register.

“Elam, on Smithbridge Road at Route 202, the next north-south road, and the link between the Lower Counties (Delaware) and the western Pa. counties was home to a thriving tavern and inn industry as early as the mid-18th century.”

“The village of Markham, named for the first governor of the colony of Pennsylvania (where the Friends meetings were held and George attended), lies in the valley of the West Branch of Chester Creek where the present Cheyney Road crosses Baltimore Pike. The village encompasses the Newlin Mill Historic District (Newlin Mill and its buildings, Markham Railroad Station and Post Office, and the William Trimble House and property (of more I will elaborate later), including the only operating Colonial mill remaining open to the public in the United States.”

“Ward covers the old Concord Creek Bridge (also called Ward Run) at Concord Road, near the intersections of Creamery Road, Station Road and Spring Valley. The earliest Pennsylvania mushroom farms and canneries were established there, near the mill complex on Concord Road, and the product called “Philadelphia Brand Cream Cheese” was first produced at the dairy on Creamery Road.”

“Concord Township was also the site of the Willcox (family) Ivy Mills, one of the most significant paper mills in the country that produced the paper used for the first currency printed by the Continental Congress. The family mansion also served as the beginnings of St. Thomas the Apostle Parish (est. 1729), the oldest parish in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.”

(Bibliography: Quoted text from Concord Township Historic Commission. “The Four Villages of Concord.”)

George was one of a company who erected “the Concord Mill”, the first mill erected in his neighborhood, and he acquired  more land. George Peirce did well in America. He was a faithful Friend, a member of the Assembly, a founder of a school at Thornbury, and he owned a good share of the Concord Mill. He tried to do well by all his children. When William Penn came over in 1699(?) George bought 400 acres beyond the Brandywine and divided it between his son Joshua and his daughter, Betty Peirce Caldwell and her husband Vincent Caldwell at the time of his death.



Joshua (my 6th great grandfather) built a log cabin on his part and raised a family. In 1722 he married his second wife, Rachel Gilpin (my sixth great grandmother) 15 Feb 1696- 20 May 1776, daughter of Joseph, who had been born in a cave. In 1730 they built this fine red brick house, at least the western part, with their initials and the date up under the ridge.

Joshua died in 1752, leaving the property to all his children, but the home place went to Caleb, Rachel’s third son, on condition that he permit his mother to “Possess and Enjoy the Chamber above stairs and likewise below, and one Sellar in the west end of my Present Dwelling House. Caleb was “to fetch and carry as much firewood (fit for the Chimney) as his said Mother will burn in moderation.” She was also to have the use of a mare and a cow. There is good inventory of all the furniture in the house but the only books mentioned are the bible and Sewell’s History of Friends. (from  Joshua’s will).


Caleb soon afterwards married Hannah Greave, a descendant of Dr. Thomas Wynne, who had come over from Wales with William Penn. Among Caleb and Hannah’s children were the twins, Joshua and Samuel, who began bringing fine trees and shrubs here about 1800, planting them around the house. They made the grounds as fine as Mount Vernon or Monticello. They were probably influenced by Humphry Marshall, who lived some miles up the Brandywine.

Many generations of the Peirce family lived here until 1906. It was bought by the late Pierre du Pont in 1915. Finding the old house as steady as a rock, he built a modern counterpart in the back. Always interested in the Peirce’s, he carried on Joshua’s and Samuel’s original interest, and added the gardens, the conservatory and the fountains which are now world famous. He left it all to the Longwood Foundation, so that the place might be enjoyed forever.

George and Ann Gaynor were the parents to ten children.

1. Betty Pierce,   b. 18 Nov 1680, Thornbury Township, Chester, Pennsylvania d. 27 Oct 1757. Betty married Vincent Caldwell

2. George Pierce,   b. 23 Apr 1682, Thornbury Township, Chester, Pennsylvania   d. 1690

3. Joshua Pierce,   b. 5 Mar 1684, Thornbury Township, Chester, Pennsylvania   d. 15 Sep 1752, Kennett Mm, Chester, Pennsylvania. Joshua married Ann Mercer in 1713, and second, Rachel Gilpin, 1722. They were settled in Marlborough, Chester County, and had nine children,  among those were those who planted the well known Aboretum.  Their son George Joshua Pierce is my 5th great grandfather

4. Ann Gainor Pierce,   b. 8 June 1686, Thornbury Township, Chester,  d. 1753, East Caln, Chester, Pennsylvania

Ann married James Gibbons and they settled in Westtown on 600 acres of land, which through his son James, JR., and grandson, also James, was sold about 1708 to Friends for the establishment of the well known Westown Friends Boarding School.

5. Margaret Pierce,   b. 11 July 1689, Thornbury Township, Chester, Pennsylvania  d. 1689

6. Mary Pierce,   b. 25 Dec 1690, Thornbury Township, Chester, Pennsylvania   d. Aft 1766, Birmingham Township, Chester, she married Joseph Brinton (son of the afore mentioned William Brinton neighbor of Geroge)

7. Caleb Pierce,   b. 21 Feb 1692, Thornbury Township, Chester, Pennsylvania   d. 22 Jan 1779, Thornbury Township, Chester, Pennsylvania. Cableb married Mary Walter, Apr 15 1724, daughter of Goodwin and Elizabeth (Sanguist) Walter, emmigrants. Mary was born Jan 5 1698 and died Dec 1753. They resided on a portion of the ancestral acres, where he died Mar 22, 1770

8. Gainer Pierce,   b. 1 Apr 1695, Thornbury Township, Chester, Pennsylvania d. 1746 Gainer married Sarah Walter.

9. Hannah Pierce,   b. 21 Apr 1696, Thornbury Township, Chester, Pennsylvania  d. 1753, East Caln, Chester, Pennsylvania. Hannah married Edward Brinton (son of William)

10. John Pierce,   b. 15 Feb 1704, Thornbury Township, Chester, died in his minority.


Ann died 1725 in Thornbury Township, Chester County PA.

After her death George again married widow Ann Webb. From his will it appears that he had great affection for her. They moved then to East Marlborough, Chester, Pennsylvania. This is the land which included the Pierces Park, or “Evergreen Glade”, as it was named by the owner. This is the property in which George conveyed to his son Joshua in 1725, who willed to his son Caleb in 1752, and this is where Samuel and Joshua, established the botanical garden Aboretum. They were succeed by the late George W Peirce, son of Joshua and grandson of George.

The land that was willed to George’s daughter Betty and her husband Vincent Caldwell,consisted of 200 acres adjoining. After their deaths it was purchased by Caleb Peirce in 1758 and then became possession of his great grandchildren of the Cox family. Longwood meeting house and cemetery are situated on a part of it.

George died 19 Jan 1733 in East Marlborough, Chester, Pennsylvania. Below is a copy of his will. I tried to type it as it was written.


Pennsylvaina, Wills and Probate Records

Chester Will Books A-C, Vol, 1-3,1713-1755

 George Pierce

  • Be it Remembered that I George Pierce of the Township of East Marlborough in the County of Chester in the province of Pensilvania yoman being weak of body but of sound and disposing mind and memory Blessed be the Lord for the same do make this my last will and Testament in maner and form following that is to say first and principally I committ my soul into the hands of my Blessed Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ and my Body I Committ to the earth to be buried in a Christian and decent manner by my exe. herein after named and as to the disposing of such temporall estate which it hath pleased God to bestow upon me I do give devise and dispose there of in manner following that is to say IMP my will is that all my just debts and funerall expense be paid as soon as may be after my decease. Item I give and bequeath unto my loving wife Ann Pierce the sum of one hundred pounds lawfull money of this province to be paid to her within one year next after my decease together with all the goods of what kind soever she brought with her at my intermarriage with her as also all the rents and arrearages of rents ariseing off and from any interest rights or claims belonging to the said Ann before my intermarriage (by either of her former husbands with all the property belonging to her of what nature or kind soever. ITEM: I  give and bequeath unto my son Joshua Pierce the sum of fifty pounds, forty whereof is due to me I order to be acquited and discharged and that the remaining sum of ten pounds to compleat the afores sum of fifty to be paid unto him within one year after my decease as also to him  and Joshua Pierce his heirs and assign one full and compleat third part of any share and interest in the ground and will and all the utensills there unto belonging in Concord called the society mill to him his heirs and assigns forever. Item: I give to my son Caleb Pierce his heirs and assigns forever one other equall and third part of my share and interest in the ground and will and all the utensills thereunto belonging in Concord Called the society mill to him his heirs and assigns forever. Item: I give to my son Gainer Pierce his heirs and assigns the full and compleat remaining one third part of my share and Interest in the ground and mill and utensils thereunto belonging in Concord Called the society mill to him his heirs and assigns forever as also my part and share in Thornbury Schoolhouse with the Land thereunto belonging to him his heirs and assigns forever. I likewise give unto my sons Joshua, Caleb, and Gayner all my wearing apparell both Linnen and woolen to be equally divided between them. Item: I give unto my daughter Betty Caldwell the sum of fifty pounds to be paid to her within one year after my decease. Item: I give unto my daughter Ann Gibbons the sum of thirty pounds to be paid to her within one year after my decease. Item: I give to my daughter Mary the wife of Joseph Brinton the sum of fifty pounds to be paid to her within one year after my decease. Item: I give unto my daughter Hannah the wife of Edward Brinton the sum of Fifty pounds to be paid to her within one year after my decease. Item: I give unto my grandson George Pierce the son of Gainer Pierce the sum of Fifty pounds to be paid to him with it’s lawful interest from one year after my decease when he shall arrive to the age of twenty one years and if my grandson George dye before he arrive to the age afore that then the said sum of fifty pounds with the interest thereon arising be paid to his four sister to witt  Elizabeth, Ann, Sarah and Susanna or so many of them as is then living to attain the age of eighteen years. I also give all my books to be equally divided between my seven children and that all my household good be equally divided between my four daughter to wit Betty, Ann, Mary, and Hannah within one year after my decease and I give all the rest and residue of my estate of what nature or kind soever to be equally divided between my grand children to be paid to them that are arrived to the age of eighteen years within one year after my decease and those of my grand children not arrived to the age of eighteen years that their share and dividend of the surplusage of my estate (after all my just debts and legacies be fully paid) shall be put out to interest for the use and benefitt of them and shall in like manner be paid unto them at the age aforesaid with the lawfull interest thereon arising from one year after my decease and if any of my grand children dye before the age of eighteen then I order that the survivors under the age aforsaid shall enjoy and equall dividend of the share of him or her so dying notwithstanding all my former dispositions I only give out of the same my block and case together with my steel mault mill to my son Gainer during his life and then to decend to his son George and in case of his death to his four sisters or so many of them as is then living. Lastly I constitute nominate and appoint my dear and loving wife Ann Pierce exectrix and my two sons Joshua and Caleb Pierce Executors of my last will and testament hereby revoking all other will and wills by me made Declaring this and no other to be my Last will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this nineteenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and thirty three-four.

George Pierce




Chester County, Pennsylvania Wills, 1713-1825

Colonial Families of the USA, 1607-1775

Family Data Collection – Individual Records

  •  North America, Family Histories, 1500-2000
  •  Pennsylvania, Tax and Exoneration, 1768-1801
  • U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900
  • U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900
  • U.S. Census Reconstructed Records, 1660-1820
  • U.S., Quaker Meeting Records, 1681-1935

Thanks for taking the time to share my journey. I hope you enjoyed it! If ya did…please leave me a message in the comments below!


Happy Hunting!

The Pierce Family Historian

Susan Holmes














  1. This is fascinating.  I have recently been researching my roots that go way back to ancient England and I love reading about my ancestors.  Ancestry dot com has a lot of info and I actually discovered a lot from census records and ship records.  Do you find that it’s difficult to assess whether a person is related to you from the ship records?  There could be several John Smiths and I wonder if sometimes the family trees go the wrong way based on this.

    1. Yes I find a lot of discrepancies in others trees and lack of sourcing is generally the problem. People get carried away with clicking green leaves and don’t take the time to check it out. Even the hints that are offered are not always the right person. If I’m not absolutely sure the info fits I will by pass it. Glad you enjoyed the read!

  2. Wow, their oldest was 24 when the last baby was born. I’ve always found family accounts to be so interesting. I know my grandmother has a lot of information about my ancestors, but I don’t know much about them. Someday I’d like to learn. Your ancestors were very brave, coming to a whole new land and building it up from scratch. Amazing!

    1. Genesis, I highly encourage you to start your search. It becomes an addiction …it really does. Yes on the age thing too, but the thing is back then they mostly did not live to be very old. Especially the women…they mostly died in childbirth. You hardly ever hear of that today. 

  3. This is so cool 🙂  I love family history and am working on some of my genealogy now.  I have just married and am working on getting my husband’s information too.  He and his family don’t know all that much about their family history, but I think they know a lot more than what they think they know 🙂  The information you’ve found on your family is just amazing!  I love finding information like that on my ancestors!

    Thank you for sharing all this 🙂 

    1. Thank you Kaeyoes. If you run into any problems with yours let me know and I’ll see what I can do to help. It’s tough sometimes. I still have a couple with no trace but I’m not giving up until I push up daisies. Yes people know more than they think. I had to pull teeth to get my dad to talk. Some people are story tellers and some are not…find the story tellers and you will learn a LOT! Thanks for visiting…come back often. 

      1. Jane Temple
        in the Chester County, Pennsylvania Wills, 1713-1825
        Name: Jane Temple
        Description: Daughter
        Date: 13 Oct 1751
        Prove date: 3 Jan 1752
        Book Page: C:334
        Remarks: Joseph Brinton. Thornbury. Esquire. 10/13/1751. January 3, 1752. C. 334. Provides for wife Mary. To son George the plantation whereon I live in Thornsbury containing 210 acres, also 25 acres adjacent purchased of Samuel Bettle when 21. To son John a tract of land in Birmingham containing 36 purchased of John Bennett, also my ¼ part of water corn mill called Gilpins in Concord. To son Caleb my plantation in Thornsbury containing 200 acres purchased of brother William. Executors to sell 250 acres of land in Lampeter Township, Lancaster County, and divide money to daughters Ann Cock, Mary Jones, Jane Temple, Hannah and Phebe Brinton. To brother Edward £5. Sons James and Moses are mentioned. Executors: Wife Mary and brother Edward. *Mentions deceased father, William Brinton, and sisters Mary Corbit and Ann Bettle.

  4. I am kind of fond of reading about families which’s history is known for this long. I also tried to look after mine but I only managed to find info till about 1850. You, however, managed to learn and find out so many details that it was really interesting to read through. I particularly liked the home of Joshua Pierce 🙂 Have you visited this place? Or would you not want to live there? (I have always dreamt about living in my ancestors’ places. 🙂 )

    The other thing that was really interesting that out of the 10 children only 3 (if I counted well), died as a baby or child which is really outstanding, as I read that even in the early 1900 years at least half of the children died at birth or not much after. Do you have any knowledge on this?

    1. I have not yet been to Longwood Gardens, but I have been in touch with them and encouraged to visit as they keep track of descendants that do. I emailed them a few years ago about wanting to visit and they actually sent me some of the information I shared here.  It’s definitely on my bucket list! Yes so many babies and young people died too early. I have one family that out of 8 children only 2 made it past 40. Thankfully…I beleive I come from strong genes as most of our family lives to be quite old. 

  5. Wow, what an interesting read.  To know your family history in such detail is just amazing, and I’m sure it took quite some research to find all of this information.  I really love reading about America’s Founding Fathers, thank you for sharing.  I am truly inspired to learn more about my family history.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it Jenny. Finding your family take time and persistence like anything that is important to you. If you want to get started on your history my suggestion is….don’t wait….as the people you need to talk to will be gone before you know it and then it is really difficult to trace. Dead people are easier to find the the live ones!  Sad but true!

  6. Wow. This is impressive! I can’t even trace my family history beyond my grandparents. Researching all of this and discovering your family’s connections to significant landmarks, historical figures and events must have been a very enlightening and reverential experience. It was especially touching to read George’s will and see how he truly valued his faith and his family.

    1. Thanks Ryan! I do enjoy what I do and love meeting up with new family members also. I too thought it was pretty neat how he referred to his wife. He must have loved her much. And in all my research this is the first will I have came across that all were treated quite equally. I thought that was special. Thanks for taking the time to read my post. Do come back for more!

  7. Hi Susan
    After a lot of research, and not relying on just checking leaves, Joshua Peirce is
    my 7great grandfather. My story is quite a bit different than yours. My branch comes through Thomas Peirce, who married Hezabeth Macy, that left the Chester County area for New Garden North Carolina. Most of the Peirce family in the area migrated over the state line to Grayson Co and Smyth Co Virginia.
    Moses Peirce who was Thomas son married a native american and was banned from being a Quacker. I remember many stories from my grand mother saying she remembered her mother telling this story. I also had an great great aunt who also talked about her family owning a big flower place in PA.
    I am blessed to have a piece of furniture from my great great grandmother that was given to her on her wedding day that is from the Peirce family since her grandfather was a furniture maker in NC.

    Glad to meet you from the southern side of the family. I also want to thank the Grayson County Historical Society for their help in proving this story

    1. Hi – I am also descended from this line – Moses Peirce and Hezabeth Macy, through their son, William Riley Pierce, and then his daughter, Mary Pierce James. If you have any pictures to share – that would be very cool. I don’t really have any.

      1. Kathleen if you would like an invite to my family tree there you will find lots of pictures and info in my galleries. You are welcome to copy anything I have there. What do you know about William Riley? I would love to share.

  8. I am working on a Thomas Goosberry Pierce b. ca 1720 in Phil. PA. who family were in VA., N.C., TN., KY. Christian ca 1800 to IN. 1820. can anyone help me, PLEASE. My 3 ggm was Dinah Pierce b. ca 1800 Christian Co. KY.

  9. Thank you! That’s nice of you to offer, I don’t really know anything about the family – just that Mary Pierce James was my father’s grandmother. They settled in Missouri in the 19th century and farmed. Her grandson – my father – was a trial lawyer in Kansas City named JD James. He was born in 1913.

  10. Hello. I am also a descendant of Moses Arthur Pierce who married (1) Ellender Byrd the daughter of Jonathan Byrd of Halifax, VA. Ellender (Ellen) was considered a mulatto or a “Free African American.” I descend from their son, Thomas Jefferson Pierce who married Mahala Bourne. Their son Andrew Moses Pierce married Melvina Carter. Their daughter, Mazie Mahala Pierce married Robert Cornett who is my great-grandfather.
    I have found that during this quarantine time, I have plenty of time to research my ancestry and I would like to remind my dear cousins that you are living in history right now. Please consider making a quarantine journal for your ancestors to enjoy.

    1. I’ll check and make sure I’ve got you in our tree! Have you by chance done DNA? The more people I can connect with the easier it is to find connections.

  11. Susan,
    One thing I’ve learned while searching Ancestry is that there were many Pearce/Peirce/Pierce families! I’m looking for some information on my 3rd great grandmother. Her name was Esther Pierce and she was born in 1799 in Pennsylvania. She married a Joseph Demaris (1780-1841) whose parents were Esther and Johann Christian Demaris, who changed his name to “John” after his father died. I know that she and Joseph were married in Clermont, Ohio on Oct. 26, 1819 and lived in southern Ill. They had 8 children, and my 2nd great grandfather was one of them. A cousin said the Demaris family books make reference to the following in the index. When she filed for her son, Alvah’s service pension, she had to add family information, which included the fact that she was related to Franklin Pierce. Esther remarried a Joseph Smith in 1843, had written a letter to her only daughter in 1867, and was last listed on her son John L. Demaris (my 2nd great grandfather) 1870 US Federal Census. I’m just not sure about how she fits into any Pierce family. Could you please let me know if she belongs in your family?

    1. Humm I don’t have any Demaris in the tree. I thought I did as the name looks familiar to me. I have not found a connection in my lines to Franklin Pierce but if I find it I will definitely let you know. Lot’s of Pierce’s in the Pennsylvania and Virginia area!

  12. I am the granddaughter of George Joseph Pierce of Roxborough Pa. His father was Mason Pierce. My cousin Stephen recently bought a house in Bristol Pa which was owned by a Laura Peirce. I have been working on Ancestry for about two years now and am trying to figure out where the family line starts in the USA. It would be fascinating if we were related somehow. Please let me know anything else that you have found out about the family line.

    Best regards,
    Anita L. Barton

  13. I would truly appreciate being allowed to have access to your Pierce data. I am descended thru Thomas Pierce and Hepzabeth Macy to Thomas Henry Pierce and Thankful Frances Ratcliff, then to Miles Benton Pierce and Bertha Bowers, and lastly to my Mother who was Madeline I. Pierce – Kingsley- Goodwin.

  14. Susan. I would love to speak with you. My husband is descended from the Pierce Family but I cannot seem to make the right connection. His family lived and owned property adjacent to Longwood Gardens until the 1980s. Perhaps we can connect and fill in the gaps together. Please email me directly if you get this.

    1. I’d love to share with you and see if we can fill in the gaps. Let’s put our heads together and see what we can do. I have sent you an email and will send you an invite to my tree. Let’s talk.

  15. Hi Susan,

    I’m so glad I stumbled upon your site! I am yet another descendant of Thomas Pierce and Hephzibah Macy – so many of us! – through his son Moses, than Moses’ daughter Elizabeth from his second marriage.

    Two questions about George Pearce from England. First, if George arrived from England with his wife, Ann Gainor and 3 small children, wouldn’t those 3 children (assuming it was Betty, George & Joshua) be born in England, not Pennsylvania? Have you seen anything to state which of his 3 children were born in England?

    Second, do you have any information on George from England’s brothers – if he had any? I’ve connected through DNA to a Pearce/Pierce/Peirce cousin in New Zealand and we are thinking that one of Goerge’s brothers found his way there but we aren’t having any luck with a name.

    Lastly, I would love an invite to your tree if you are willing and would be happy to share what I have if needed. Thank you so much for all your hard work on the Pierce family!

    1. I don’t have a lot of information as of yet past George. I’m still working on it. I have updated my subscription to include the overseas records. I run into a few cousins in New Zealand too but I’m still not sure where we connect. Let’s put our heads together and see what we can dig up! Nice to meet you cousin.

  16. Hi, I have searching for my 2nd great grandmother Ella Pierce. She was suppose to be born in Chester, Pennsylvania. She married David Lewis Humphrey . I only know she died in 1879 when her son James was 3 years old. I know her mother was Mary Pierce as she was living with David and his two sons Burton and James after Ella died.
    David was also born in Chester, although the Humphrey line for them just seems wrong?. They came to East Lackawanna, Mercer, Pa. I found a marriage certificate with David and his second wife. but Ella seems to be a ghost in the wind. I thought I found her father as Stephen Pierce, however, I cant find the paper trail i had. Any info would be truly grateful. The Humphrey / Pierce line seems a dead end.
    Thank you

    1. Hi Barbara. I checked my files and I don’t have any Humphreys in PA or any past 1810. I do however have Chester Pennsylvania Pierces that might offer you a clue but no Ella to this point. I’d be happy to send you an invite to my family tree if you think it might give you a clue. Many of my Pierces moved from Penn. to Virginia and North Carolina. Maybe you are looking in the wrong place?

      1. Hi Barbara,

        Ella Pierce, born in 1910 is my husband’s great grandmother. She had a daughter named Hazel Jones who is my husband’s grandmother. They are African American and incredibly light skinned.

        Accordingly to my mother-in-law, Bertha Peirce is the descendent of the prestigious Chester County, PA Pierces. She is the daughter of George Peirce and Susan Darlington according to a record I just found in Chester County archives. The paper trail for this is, of course, sparse as it would have been a scandal in that time. I am hoping to fill in the gaps for my children’s sake.

        My mother in law grew up on the property that is now Longwood Gardens and her mother lived there until the 1980s or 1990s.

        If there is a connection let’s talk.

  17. Good afternoon. I have been trying to connect my grandfather George Joseph Pierce to the Pierce’s from Boston. My cousin Stephen has bought a few houses in Bristol, PA and has found some history there that we are trying to piece together. I know that we need a males DNA to connect people to us. I have reached out to another cousin in Arizona for his. No luck there as of yet. The history you have written is impressive and loved reading it. I did have my DNA done both with Ancestry and 23andme. Very English, Scottish, Irish and Welsh. I am still working on my grandfather’s and a few other members of the family. Glad to share, at least, the last name.

  18. Would you have a Ford who intermarriage with the family before 1800? I am trying to place my husband’s great great grandfather John Ford, who was from Madison County Kentucky or an adjoining County and whose Tevis in-laws came to Kentucky from Maryland. He was very closely associated (cousin? Much older brother?) with Jared P. Ford who an internet source gave middle name as Pierce. I haven’t been able to document that. He was born in Pennsylvania in the late 1790s and was one of the VERY few people in Decatur County Indiana who gave PA as their birthplace. I am now down to following hunches and found your site while following up on Pierce and Gerard in 1810 PA. Very interesting reading about Baltimore pike; that is food for thought regardless!

    1. I have DNA matches with Fords but have not yet found a solid connection. I suspect that they may be a clue to the Johnson line that I have been stuck on for 50 years. I have a branch dangling out there that has a JOHN FORD/FORDING John Wesley Ford
      BIRTH 16 JANUARY 1811 • Sabine Parish, Louisiana, USA

      DEATH 6 SEPTEMBER 1870 • Sabine Parish, Louisiana, USA
      Who is married to Martha ONEIL but I’m still in the process of researching this line so nothing I can add for you at this time and nothing before 1811 at this point. I’ll continue this research and if I run into anything I will let you know. At this point I have three John Fords in the tree and two of them may be the same one. And I haven’t found the Jerad P that you speak of.

  19. Hi Susan! I just got my YDNA test results back from FTDNA. I-M253, although 23andMe says I-P109. The Pierce family I match are the descendants of George Pearce, b.1607 England. This would be the family of George Pearce and Ann Gaynor.

    I descend from John Alexander Pierce 1779-1842, who was a Rifleman in the War of 1812. His parents are believed to be George Pearce and Nancy Angel…although no proof of that has been found by me. Grandparents are supossed to be William Pierce and Mary…again with no proof. If they descend from George and Ann, then the line is likely:

    George 1607 –
    George 1633 –
    George and Ann
    Joshua and Ann Mercer
    George and Lydia Roberts
    Either George or Jesse Pearce, both being sons of George and Lydia and their wife. Wife possibles are Nancy Angel, Rosannah Hanna for George and unkown for Jesse. (Most family histories have little to say about these two sons).
    John Alexander Pierce

    It is also possible that they are from a generation or more before George and Ann.

    Jonathan Pierce

    1. That is awesome. Let me know if you find any more on them. I would certainly be interested in hearing what you find. Nice to connect with you. With summer in progress I’ve been busy planning for the Pierce family cousins reunion in Virginia next year. Perhaps we will learn more about them before then. There is a George Pierce buried in the cemetery not far from the Longwood Gardens. We haven’t been able to place him. I haven’t personally been there but another cousin has and he thought it was possibly George Father of Joshua, but I believe we ruled that out. If you would like to know more about the reunion let me know and I will get information to you. We have a family group on Facebook called My Big Crazy Family where we share a lot of information. I’d love to have you join us if you would like. Search for it and answer the questions and I’ll add you to the group. No one gets it unless they answer the questions. We try to keep it family only.

  20. Very nice site. Just found the link to Vincent Caldwell and Betty Pierce. There is a mention of George being in the 1706 Pennn Assembly, any confirmation on that?

    1. Which George are you referring to. I have 25 in my tree. I’d be happy to look it up if you give me a little more info. These are Records I’ve saved to George PierceBIRTH 1654 • Of Winscombe, Somersetshire, England DEATH 19 JAN 1733 • East Marlborough, Chester, Pennsylvania, United State Two-hundred and twenty-fifth anniversary of Concord Monthly Meeting of Friends, Concordville, Delaware Co., Pa. Bi-centennial of Old Kennett Meeting House, Kennett Township, Chester Co., Pa., seventh day, ninth month, twenty-fourth perhaps that will help.

  21. Hello there, found your page attempting to connect some dots as well. Seems as if there’s many. I’ve traced my 5th great grandmother born on February,11th,1777 in Chester, Pennsylvania. Her name was Hannah Pierce whom married John White and had a daughter, in 1807. But her parents are unknown and unnamed. I was curious if we had any relation or if you would know who her parents could be. I’ve been stumped looking lately and finally found my way to this amazing blog. Hope to hear back from you soon and see if we can put some pieces together! Thanks

    1. Hannah Pierce ❤️
      BIRTH 11 FEB 1777 • Chester, Pennsylvania
      DEATH 4 MAR 1854 • New Garden, Chester, Pennsylvania, USA
      her father Joshua Pierce ❤️
      BIRTH 1741 • Chester Co, Pennsylvania
      DEATH 16 MAR 1820 • Newlin Twp., Chester Co., PA
      her mother Rachel Hayes X
      BIRTH 1 SEP 1753 • West Marlborough, Chester, Pennsylvania, United States
      DEATH 16 NOV 1821 • Newlin Twp., Chester Co., PA

      married John White
      BIRTH 1774 • Chester Co
      DEATH 28 MAY 1856 • Chester Co

  22. What a great site! I am a descendant of:
    George Pierce and Ann Gainer and then
    Joshua Pierce and Rachel Gilpin

    Do you know anything about the Farmhouse still standing at 733 Beversrede Trl, Kennett Square, PA that was built by the great grandson of Joshua Pierce? It is called the Job Pierce House c. 1830 but I can’t find a great grandson of Joshua Pierce called Job Pierce. The house has an interesting history and was written about years ago in The Philadelphia Inquirer on Sun Jul 14 2002 (pg M24-M26). Any information on who Job Pierce was would be greatly appreciated.

  23. Hello! It’s awesome that you did all of this. I am related to George Joseph Pierce of Philadelphia. Now live in Conshohocken and there is a boat load of Pierce’s here too. Trying to connect the dots can be hard, as there is a large contingent in Mass. too. I continue to dig into the family from my mother’s side. Again, thank you for this bit of history, even if I’m not of your blood line.


    1. Your very welcome. Yes we are all over the north eastern states and it can be difficut to follow the lineages. Connect with as many relatives as you can. It helps.

  24. I learned of the “Peirce” family while connected to Longwood Gardens and know the several early generations who followed George and Ann on the Peirce Farm and Woods (what is today Longwood Gardens). The spelling for the surname you use appears different. George Washington Peirce was the last direct family member associated with the early log cabin and Peirce Woods. His sister, Mary Stebbins, later acquired the property and eventually passed it to her children, from their it was transferred through sale to Pierre du Pont who developed Longwood Gardens.
    I am trying to trace any family members who were buried in Longwood Cemetery. I believe one was married to the Cox family (donated land for the Longwood Friends Meeting House and for the adjoining Cemetery.

    1. I visited that cemetery and that is where Joshua Peirce is buried. You can’t read the headstone but I was told that was he. We were blessed as they opened the meeting house for us and we had several there that explained a bit about the Quakers and the Pierce family. You will find several spellings of the Pierce name. I have one document that spells it three different ways in one document. If you would like you can take a look at my tree and I might have the info you need. I’ll warn you though, I have a few mistakes in my tree and I have some sorting to do due to merging. But I’m always happy to share.

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