Welcome to The Family Historian. I hope this is a place where you can find interesting and helpful content for your genealogy search.
Susan Holmes The Family Historian 
I’m just a back woods country girl that got thrown into the city as a young adult and forever yearned to find my way back. There are three things that I love, that I just can’t get enough of, my family history, my animals, and of course my children and grandchildren.
I was in grade school when we had an assignment to write a biography on someone, and I chose my grandfather, Venus Pierce, whom I had never met, as he died before he was ever a grandfather. In high school I had a teacher who taught a bit about tracing back your family history and I was hooked. I’ve been at it for almost 45 years. Before the internet it was much more difficult. Ancestry.com and other similar programs online have made tracing the family tree so much easier than it used to be, and if you consider all the postage you save..it’s well worth the cost. Searching the counties, and states of the places my ancestors lived, and learning about their lives fills me with wonder, but it also gives me a sense of being closer to them in some way. The strength and hardships that they endured lives on only in the memory of what has been, now a never ending paper trail. Until someone like me picks it up and continues to carry it forward. So this is my destiny. Finding an old picture, document, or a letter from the past is a treasure that excites me. It’s like digging for gold! I search family history books, cemeteries, and records in hopes that it will lead me to a lost ancestor or family member. DNA has connected me with distant cousins that accept you instantly as family. It’s always exciting to add a new member to my family. My animals. That being a King Charles Cavalier named Moses, a Jack Russel terrier called Barney, a Shichon whose name is Lulu but called Little Bit, and a Shih tzu, Winnie. a cat named Geneva, and a horse named Gracie. Fondly known as ‘my boys’ (the dogs), and “my girls”. I was a single mother of two sons and a daughter. I raised my children in Oregon while working as an Adult Foster Provider for Lane County Mental Health. When my daughter, the youngest, graduated from high school, I moved back to Kansas to be closer to my aging parents. I’m now the grandmother of six boys and one little princess that was born on my birthday! |
“Every man is a quotation from all his ancestors.”
I am a genealogist addict! Tracing my tree is fun but I also enjoy helping others by sharing tools, tips, and tricks that might be helpful in their search for their roots. I hope that by sharing with you my genealogical journey might also help you in your search.
My Mission
I hope to share with you content that will lead you to the information, tools, and help that will assist you in your journey into the past.
If your ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.
All the best,
Susan A Pierce Holmes
The Family Historian

It is good you are coming a long way in your search
Thanks Megan. keep an eye on me! LOL
Hi Susan
I have passed a little time reading some pages on your site
i saw you focus a lot on historical DNA for sure you have a great reason that motivates you to do that.
I saw your comment on my post at first i thought you didn’t consider historical fact;
but when i head over to your site i can see you are a great fan of history. you spend your life looking for fact and info to instruct others about ancestor DNA meaning you can have your eyes on the historical events of the world. also if you want to.
“but you are not forced to see it” only what someone can see is existing and true for him.
keep instructing people on what they want and might be useful for them
thank you.
thank you yes history absolutely plays a big part in genealogical research! Stop by and check i on me now and then! I welcome your comments and feed back!
Hi Susan,
Your articles show a lot of research and effort. “About Me” also expresses your eagerness to trace your lineage and wanting to know about your ancestral history.
Your articles are very informative and I specifically like the part where DNA trace gives you an opportunity to find some distant relatives and welcome them into the family.
Wishing you all the very best.
thank you, I’m so glad you enjoyed it. Have you ever considered tracing your tree? or have you already?
Hi Susan,
I admire your genealogical research drive. I hope you find the joy you’re looking for as you link up with your family members.
There is so much one learns about themselves when researching family history. It truly is a passion. One has a lot of AH HA moments! You should try it!
I am tracing my family as well and love your site! I really enjoyed it all!
that is awesome, if I can ever be of help please let me know! Nice to hear you are enjoying the website!
Great to meet you Susan,
I’ve been poking about blindly trying to piece together a family tree… no luck yet but I’ll keep trying.
Welcome Tony. Wow if I can help you in anyway please reach out to me. I’m an addict…doesn’t have to be my tree…just the search that gets me going like a hound dog after a fox! LOL
Hi Susan,
First I have to say I absolutely love the picture at the top of the page. Is that your family? I have such a great desire to research my geneology, and I was so happy I found your site! It’s great to have a place dedicated to helping me do just that. Thank you for great info!
Yes Babs the picture at the top is my third great grandfathers family (well part of it..I believe he had 18 children with two wives) Moses Pierce from Sugar Grove, Virginia. I’m too glad you found me and I hope that my content is of some value and especially interest. Come back often and if I can in anyway be of assistance please let me know. Don’t wait too long to start…the more people you have to talk to the more you will learn!
Love how deeply you have gotten in yourself and explained why your here and everything the reader needs to know about you! This is great
thanks Jamaar. I hope you will come back and visit me often!
WOW! You’ve made a lot of progress and improvements since I looked at your page the first time. Very in depth and informative. Keep going!
People shouldn’t hesitate to ask questions about researching their own tree. You know the tricks to make theirs a success!
Thank you …work in progress! LOL
Love the stories. I remember it was such a big deal when I was a kid!
I steer clear of the stores during the holidays and do my shopping online with no hassles and in “casual attire”!!!
Your page is really coming along nicely. Informative, entertaining with a personal touch.
Thank you Bob, I appreciate that you come back and read what I write and enjoy it! Ah yes…shopping in pj’s …that’s what I like, but then you know how much I hate to shop now don’t you. Online shopping is perfect for those of us who don’t have to touch it before we buy it…but don’t get drunk and prime..right?
Hi Cousin. What a great job you have done. My wife’s line is George Pierce’s daughter Mary (1690-1751) who married Joseph Brinton (1693-1751).
My info had Caleb’s twin sons Samuel (1766-1838) & Joshua (1766-1851) as establishing the botanical gardens & you have Joshua’s sons. Maybe both? Also, you had Caleb b. 21 Feb 1692 (that’s what I have) at the beginning of his description, but 22 Mar 1770 at the end. I’m just comparing notes & I’m sure you are more accurate. Again, a wonderful job you have done !!
Hello Cousin. Actually, Pierce is on my wife’s side of the family and she is a birthright Quaker from a long line of Quakers. You did a great job on your WebSite…lots of good information. Wife Sue’s connection is:
George Pierce + Ann Gainer
Mary Pierce + Joseph Brinton
Thomas Temple + Jane Brinton
Caleb Temple + Rachel Bloomall
Thomas Bloomall + Elizabeth Sharpless Worrall
Sarah Worrall Temple + Richard Jacob Baldwin (PA Senator)
William Paxson Temple + Mary Griffith Baldwin
Sarah Temple Baldwin + Robert Hamilton Gillespie
Susan Paxson Gillespie Rosier + me (Bob Rosier)
I know exactly where you are in the tree!! WELCOME TO THE FAMILY! and so good to hear from you. I’m glad that you are enjoying the content. I could possibly have made an error in transferring my info, I’ll check into that as I strive for correct information. My information ( mostly) about Longwood Gardens actually came from the Garden. I contacted them and explained who I was and lineage and they sent me the info I have. Have you been there? It is on my bucket list as well as visiting some of the other areas. My dream is to spend at least 6 months on the East coast exploring and digging into the history of our families.
Hi Susan
Yes, we have been to Longwood Gardens many times. We have relatives in the area. Good idea you contacting them. I read all the plaques when there, but forgot a lot. Next time I will take pictures of the plaques 🙂
West Chester Historical Society in West Chester has a LOT of information on all the families. You can take photographs of any document and there is a reasonable one time charge for using a camera. I marked off a 81/2″ x 11″ with masking tape on a table, set up my camera overhead with tripod, and used a remote control transmitter/receiver. That way I could insert a document and take a picture in about a second. I mentioned this because there is soooo much information if you decide to visit.
I have an original land grant document signed and sealed by William Penn…my hero.
Thanks again for putting all the information together and sharing. Regards, Bob
Wow that’s awesome. Do share with me.
Hi Susan, I am an 8th great granddaughter of Thomas Macy and a 9th great granddaughter of Tristam Coffin. My grandmother visited Nantucket Island later in her life and shared a few stories. I’ve research off and on over several years and have just picked up this line of the family again. Your site is very informative! Thanks for sharing.
Hello Cousin! I’m glad you found it informative. If you find anything new to add please let me know!! As you well know our trees are always a work in progress. Don’t be afraid to question information. There is a lot of incorrect information out there. I find mistakes in my own tree as well. Always do your own research and don’t trust what others assume!! I often times leave hints until I can find something that I know is the truth. Document Document Document! I can’t stress that enough!! Have fun researching and if you run into my tree and find mistakes or questionable info please don’t be afraid to collaborate with me!! As much as real researchers try…we slip up occasionally too! I made a HUGE mistake in my tree awhile back and I’m still having a problem fixing it. It happens. Don’t panic! I can’t wait to visit Nantucket myself! Almost everyone there is related!! LOL
nice to meet you cousin. Thanks for stopping in and keep me up on anything I might have written in error. Come back often!
hello Cuz Susan
my understanding of my lineage is this
George Pierce
Joshua Pierce
George Pierce
Thomas Pierce
Moses Pierce
Andrew Jackson Pierce
Robert Lee Pierce
Harold Pierce …..and then me
I have been to Longwood gardens many times …also Grayson/Smyth County Virginia and Ashe County Nc
There is so much history in Virginia and PA that I want to explore. I google the places and pin them so when I finally get out there I don’t miss anything! I’m still thinking a family reunion at Longwood would be awesome! And maybe charter a bus to tour all the Pierce stomping grounds! That would be so fun to do with cousins!
Hi Susan, Great information! Thank you for sharing it with us! My husband descends from Alexander Pierce’s brother Aaron. Happy hunting, Lisa Pierce
Glad you found it interesting! Stop by often for updates! I have to admit I’ve been a little slack lately but I’m always gathering information. I’d love to Know more about Aaron if you would like to share.
Hello! I’m so pleased to have stumbled upon your website. I found it while doing research in the continuation of earlier research done by my father and grandmother. I am also a descendant of Mary Coffin (and Tristram and Dionis). There is another Mary Coffin later down the line…b.1726. I was searching for someway to distinguish them ( to keep me from getting confused?) when I found your website. I love doing family history! Thank you so much! I appreciate you!
Well thank you and nice to meet another cousin. Our family just keeps growing doesn’t it! The way the ancestors named their children sometimes makes getting it right a bit difficult at times. I know I have some confusion in my tree. I want it to be correct but sometimes ya just go HUH? wait a minute!! How many James can be in a family …right?
I am 13 generation “Starbuck” and got my family tree done. Now working on ” Starbuck Log”.
I want to show on each generation, had the same or familiar problems, and how they struggled with them. My grandfather was the last “Quaker” on our limb of the tree, and the last farmer.
I like your, history piece on Edward Starbuck. I am also working on underground train road
with Levi Coffin. My limb shows that Starbucks moved the same time and places that
Levi moved, Also they went to same Meeting House each time, they moved, The Coffins and the Starbucks were always close friends. Let me know if you have any records of that. Thanks
I’d be interested in what you find on the underground train road. Some where years ago I ran into some info on that but I can’t seem to find it again. Yes it seems the Starbucks and Coffins were closely knit. Makes unraveling the tree a bit difficult at times doesn’t it.? If your on fB I invite you to join our Big Crazy Family group. We are all cousins some way or another and share info with each other there.
If you cut and paste this in a Word document…it will make more sense.
John Franklin Jones
Son of Thomas ‘Dick’ Jones (04Nov1855) (04Feb1875) (07Dec1915 in Ashe County) and Margaret Ann Pugh (14Mar1855) (05Jun1902 in Ashe County)
Grandson of John Jones (07Mar1820 in Virginia) (01Dec1892 in Ashe County) and Sarah Thomas (02Nov1819 in Virginia) (15Nov1890 in Ashe County)
Grandson of Rev., John Landon / Langdon Pugh (07Jul1827 in Grayson County, Virginia) (25Oct1851 in Smyth County, Virginia) (26Jan1910 in Alleghany County) and Matilda Emaline Scott (23Jun1833 in Smyth County, Virginia) (07Feb1907 in Alleghany County)
Great Grandson of Isaac Newton Jones (Oct1796 in Grayson County, Virginia) (1831 in Ashe County) and Sarah Baker
Great Grandson of William ‘Blind Bill’ Thomas, I (04May1794 in Grayson County, Virginia) (15Oct1882 in Grayson County, Virginia) and Mary Violet Pugh (20Feb1790 in Franklin County, Virginia) (18Sep1859 in Grayson County, Virginia)
Great Grandson of Samuel Pugh (26Jun1792 in Grayson County, Virginia) (23Oct1817 in Virginia) (09Aug1868 in Grayson County, Virginia) and Nancy Wells (1794 in Virginia) (1860 in Grayson County, Virginia)
Great Grandson of John Scott (25Dec1788 in Virginia) (29Aug1816 in Wythe County, Virginia) (25Jul1863 in Smyth County, Virginia) and Margaret Porter (02Aug1795 in Wythe County, Virginia) (17Jul1871 in Virginia)
2G-Grandson of Samuel Jones (1760) (died in Lee County, Virginia) and Celia Creech (1767) (Jan1853 in Lee County, Virginia)
2G-Grandson of Jonathan Thomas, Sr. (19Nov1762 in Orange County) (13Dec1838 in Grayson County, Virginia) and Patience Bourne (18Nov1770 in Grayson County, Virginia) (29Sep1854 in Grayson County, Virginia)
2G-Grandson of David B. Pugh (24Dec1761-29Dec1761 in Virginia) and Sarah Greer (30Jun1763 in Franklin County, Virginia) (31Jan1833 in Grayson County, Virginia)
2G-Grandson of David Pugh (29Dec1761 in Virginia) (1783) (11Feb1822 in Tennessee) and Sarah Greer (30Jun1763 in Virginia) (31Jan1833 in Grayson County, Virginia)
2G-Grandson of Moses Wells (1755 in England) (16Mar1836 in Smyth County, Virginia)
3G-Grandson of Owen Thomas (1736) (14Apr1808 in Washington County, Kentucky) and Mary Hardin (1740 in Pennsylvania) (1805 in Washington County, Kentucky)
3G-Grandson of William Bourne, I (23Aug1743 in Louisa County, Virginia) (08Jun1836 in Grayson County, Virginia) and Rosamond Jones (14Feb1750 in Louisa County, Virginia) (16Mar1821 in Grayson County, Virginia)
3G-Grandson of Samuel Pugh, I (1740 in Virginia) (1795 in Wilkes / Ashe County) and Susanna / Suzana Chamberlin (1740 in Virginia) (1766-1771 in Virginia)
3G-Grandson of William Greer, Jr. (1727) (19Sep1802 in Grayson County, Virginia) and Sarah Freeland (Jan1732 in Maryland) (03Feb1802 in Grayson County)
3G-Grandson of Samuel Pugh (1740 in Virginia) (1796 in Virginia) and Susanna Chamberlain (1738 in Virginia)
3G-Grandson of William Greer, Jr. (1732 in Maryland) (Oct1802 in Grayson County, Virginia) and Sarah Freeland (1732 in Maryland) (1802 in Grayson County, Virginia)
4G-Grandson of Lewis Thomas (1695-1710 in Wales) (16May1751 in Frederick County, Virginia) and Jane Smith (08Sep1715 in Wales) (23May1811 in Pennsylvania)
4G-Grandson of Maj., John Hardin (1710 in Virginia) (13Oct1789 in Virginia) and Catherine Marr (1711 in Virginia) (1786 in Virginia)
4G-Grandson of Stephen Bourne (1720-1725 in Louisa County, Virginia) (20Mar1810-09Aug1814 in Louisa County, Virginia) and Hannah Minitree (1726 in Louisa County, Virginia) (1814 in Orange County, Virginia)
4G-Grandson of Thomas Jones (1725 in Louisa County, Virginia) (1811 in Grayson County, Virginia) and Elizabeth ‘Bettie’ ??? (1730) (1800 in Virginia)
4G-Grandson of Hugh Pugh (02Mar1710 in Virginia) (02Jun1766 in Virginia) and Sarah Billings (27Dec1714) (25Feb1794)
4G-Grandson of William Greer, Sr. (1706 in Maryland) (15Jan1790 in Franklin County, Virginia) and Mary Ann Fitch (1716 in Maryland) (1786 in Washington County, Virginia)
4G-Grandson of James Freeland (1712 in Maryland) and Anne Harrell / Hartel (1714) (1802 in Maryland)
4G-Grandson of James Freeland (1712 in England) and Ann Harrell (born in England) (died in Maryland)
(02Jan1876 in Ashe County)
(07Nov1900 in Viriginia)
Married to Martha Anna Lou Greer (19Jan1883 in Ashe County) (09Feb1940 in Harford County, Maryland)
Daughter of William Calvin ‘Coot’ Greer (11Jan1857) (20Dec1874 in Alleghany County) (11May1928 in Harford County, Maryland) and Mary Ellen ‘Mollie’ Pierce (29Dec1855) (07Dec1930 in Harford County, Maryland)
Granddaughter of John Freeland Greer, Sr. (06Apr1815 in Ashe County) (16May1843 in Wilkes County) (10May1897 in Ashe County) and Martha Caroline Jones (26Jan1819 in Wilkes County) (03Oct1905 in Ashe County)
Granddaughter of ??? Pierce (born in Virginia) and Eliza Ann ??? (born in Virginia)
Great Granddaughter of Aquilla Greer (1765 in Franklin County, Virginia) (1814 in Grayson County, Virginia) (29Sep1842 in Ashe County) and Mary ‘Polly’ Fielder
Great Granddaughter of Catlett Jones (09Oct1776 in Orange County, Virginia) (01May1856 in Caldwell County) and Nancy Ann Dula (1785 in Virginia) (12Jun1846 in Caldwell County)
2G-Granddaughter of William Greer, Jr. (1734 in Baltimore County, Maryland) (1750) (19Sep1802 in Grayson County, Virginia) and Sarah Freeland (Jan1732 in Baltimore County, Maryland) (1802 in Grayson County, Virginia)
2G-Granddaughter of John Fielder and Nancy Clark
2G-Granddaughter of George Garnett Jones (12Jun1743 in Orange County, Virginia) (10Jan1769 in Orange County, Virginia) (May1830 in Wilkes County) and Phoebe Foster (1754 in Virginia) (1827 in Wilkes County)
2G-Granddaughter of Capt., William S. Dula (1755 in Essex County, Virginia) (1769 in Orange County, Virginia) (1835 in Wilkes County) and Laodosia / Theodosia Beazley (1753 onboard ship) (1786 in Wilkes County)
3G-Granddaughter of Capt., William Greer, Sr. (1710 in Baltimore County, Maryland) (1730) (1785 in Franklin County, Virginia) and Mary Ann Fitch (1715) (1780)
3G-Granddaughter of James Freeland (1712 in England) (died in Harford County, Maryland) and Ann Harrell
3G-Granddaughter of Hugh Jones (1720 in Virginia) (1740 in Maryland) (24Oct1791 in Orange County, Virginia) and Elizabeth Morton (1720) (1785 in Virginia)
3G-Granddaughter of Thomas Foster (1720 in Essex County, Virginia) (23May1743 in Virginia) (1791 in Orange County, Virginia) and Ann Garnett (1720) (1790 in Orange County, Virginia)
3G-Granddaughter of Thomas Dooley / Dula (1725-1730 in Ireland) (1783-1784 in Virginia) and Elizabeth Beazley
3G-Granddaughter of James Beazley (1716 in Essex County, Virginia) (1803 in Virginia) and Anne Reynolds (1733 in Orange County) (1810 in Shelby County, Kentucky)
4G-Granddaughter of John Greer (1688 in Baltimore County, Maryland) (15Apr1752 in Onslow County)
4G-Granddaughter of William Beazley, Jr. and Mary ???
4G-Granddaughter of Cornelius Reynolds (1695 in England) and Martha Margaret Beazley (1680 in Essex County, Virginia) (1753 in Essex County, Virginia)
5G-Granddaughter of James Greer, Jr. (1627 in Scotland) (1688 in Harford County, Maryland) and Ann Taylor (1662 in Harford County, Maryland) (13May1716 in Harford County, Maryland)
5G-Granddaughter of Robert Francis Beasley
6G-Granddaughter of James Greer, Sr. (1604 in Scotland) (29Jan1666 in Scotland) and Mary Browne (01Jan1604 in England) (1661 in England)
6G-Granddaughter of Arthur Taylor (1648 in England) (1662) (Nov1728 in Baltimore County, Maryland) and Margaret Hill (1648 in Baltimore County, Maryland) (1678 in Baltimore County, Maryland)
(19Mar1967 in Harford County, Maryland)
Thank you for sharing that with me. I think I have most of it in my tree, but I will double check and add in what I’ve left out! Did you have a question on your ???Pierce ? Perhaps I can help with that.
Hello, Susan – Another Susan here in Montana! I found your page when I did a google search on my ancestor Edward Starbuck of Nantucket. Now I’m finding he’s ancestor to a whole boatload (literally and figuratively) of people I’m just now discovering. My ancestry is as follows:
Susan Maureen Wailes 1955 – (me)
Florence May Starbuck Wailes (mother) 1921-1997
Clyde Cyril Starbuck 1881-1955
George Harvey Starbuck 1853-1889
Gayer Starbuck 1829-1859
Moses Starbuck 1804-1881
Gayer Starbuck 1777-1866
Hezekiah Starbuck 1749-1830
Thomas Starbuck 1706-1777
Jethro Starbuck 1671-1770
Nathaniel Starbuck 1634-1719
Edward Starbuck 1604-1690
Edward Starbuck 1584-1608
P.S. Your site is jam-packed with great information, advice and how-tos. I’m so glad I found you!
Hello Cousin!! So glad to connect with you and thank you for sharing your lineage with me!! I too am glad you found me. Always check the information. I try to be as correct as possible but I do make mistakes so ALWAYS check your facts and don’t just go by what everyone else says. Sometimes that is really difficult do because the HINTS that ancestry offers. They offer the hints based on what someone else saves to their tree and if they are mistaken pretty soon EVERYONE is running down the wrong line. It happens to me sometimes. I at times get to a point I wonder if anything I have is correct!! Question everything! Nice to meet you! Let’s stay in touch.
Hi Susan Barbara Earl’better one.Hope you are well We All are good.
Hello Barbara! Glad you found the sight! Come back often as I’m working on Eal’s line! I’ll get some info put together soon.Still searching for Sarah Bourne. I’m on a trail!
I am curious about the NUTSCH family I found on your webpage. I descend from Nutsch’s from a town near Ohlau in Silesia. Just curious if our families connect in some way. My great grandfather was Anton Nutsch (b. 1852 Neiderhermsdorf), son of Johann Josef Nutsch (b. 1820 Neu Sorge). My Nutsch’s trace back to Rothenburg ob Tauber before they migrated east into Silesia. I would be interested in finding out the siblings and parents of your Kansas Nutsch line. My grandmother Magda Nutsch, four of her sisters, and one brother emigrated in early 1900’s and settled in Oakland, CA.
So nice to meet you Kate. I too am curious about a possible connection. I didn’t find you in my DNA matches. Are you by chance on Ged match. We might be able to lower the thresholds a bit and see if we can find a connection there. We had quite a few Nutsch’s that also went to California so it makes me wonder if that could be a clue. Let’s put our heads together and see what we can find.
HI.. Richard Gardner, son of Thomas 1621-1698, my 8th ggf, married Anne Rolfe. There is another Richard 1626-1638 who married Sarah Shattuck.https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/3824/images/gpc_newenglandmarriages-0310?pId=50206
This can’t be correct as he would have been 12 when he died. I have not found where Richard who married Ann, also married secondly Sarah, but haven’t found that to verify. Your thoughts? Did you run into this dilemma when researching ? Thanks, Sharon Johnston
Hi Susan… I have figured out that the son of Thomas, the Governor,is the one who married Sarah Shattuck. There is a second Richard, parents unknown who married Anne Rolfe. So many have combined these two people with information it has made it very difficult to decipher, but I think I finally did it. My Johnson family was from Woburn, Mass. That I can find, Richard and Sarah did not have a daughter Abigail, as is reported on some sites. I’m related to Abigail of Richard and Anne. This might help someone else who is stuck on these two Richards ! Have a great weekend. Sharon
Hi Susan!
We are cousin and I recently found out the George Pierce was my 9th great grandfather and I’m starting to work on the biographies from that side of my tree when I found your website. What a great site! Well done.
My line is as follows:
George Pierce and Ann Gainer
Joshua Pierce and Rachel Gilpin
Joshua Pierce and Anne Bailey
Rachel Pierce and Samuel Marshall
Sarah Marshall and William Harvey
Hannah Pusey Harvey and Thomas Martin Jr
Harvey Wickersham Martin and Anna Elizabeth Turner
Lee John Martin and Mary A Walker
Edna W Martin and Robert John Merrick Jr
Richard Southard Merrick and Yvonne Aimee Conord
I stop there since the remains people are alive but I have an interesting connection between different sides of my ancestry as it pertains to Longwood Gardens. My Pierce side sold their property to Pierre S. du Pont and the property just to the north was still owned by my 2nd great grandfather (Robert) on my Merrick side.
In 1915 du Pont bought a washing machine that was housed in his garage building about 50 feet from the Merrick’s farm and the soapy discharge ran down into the Merrick field where his cows drank the drainage water and became sick. One died. Robert Merrick obtained an injunction and threatened to sue. Robert Merrick eventually sold the property to du Pont which is now part of Meadow Garden in Longwood Gardens.
So both my Pierce ancestors and Merrick ancestors had land that makes up part of Longwood Gardens.
Thank you for sharing that. That is interesting. Man do we have a lot of Martins in our tree. I’ll do some research and get you placed. It’s so nice to meet you John. Have you considered joining us for the Pierce family cousins reunion in September. I’m so excited for it. Have been saving every penny to make the trip! SO much history back there to explore!
Hi Susan,
So my maiden name is Pierce and I’m wondering if I happen to be part of your family tree as well. I’ll be honest I don’t know much about my family history. My family is very distant with one another and it’s not easy to get a lot of information from them. I would love to find out more about my history, but I definitely need some help.
I’d love to help if I could. The Pierces being Quakers makes them somewhat easy to trace. Let me know what you learn. Have you taken a DNA Test. That makes a huge difference in finding your relatives. I’ve connected with people I’ve never known before. It’s absolute mind boggling.
Hello, I also have ancestors from the Nutsch family from Ohlau. What were the names of the parents of Johann Nutsch (husband of Maria Mueller)? Do you have the dates of birth and death of both of them? Do you know, in which village they lived, directly in Ohlau?
Best regards
I have nothing solid past Johann. I think his father is Johann Phillip Nutsch but others seem to think differently. I just don’t do well with those German records however there are a few facebook groups that are very helpful. I’m so obcessed with finding my Johnson line I forget to work on my maternal side. If you find anything I would love it if you would share with me.
I too am of the Pierce family. They just spelled it different. My grandfather was George Joseph Pierce, born and raised in Wissahickon. My mother is Ruth Charlotte Pierce. I have been researching the family for quite a few years now. Trying to figure out if we are related to the Pierce’s from New England or here. I am living in Conshohocken now and have been trying to get in touch with the Pierce’s here. I loved reading about your family and glad to know I’m not in this alone. It can be extremely difficult, but fun at the same time.
Helloo Anita and thank you for visiting the site. I apologize for the late reply as I had some health issues, but I’m back and ready to get back at it. Perhaps you and I share a common ancestor somewhere. It would be most exciting to find that connection wouldn’t it!! My ged match is G189020 and I’m also on ancestry. Let’s keep in touch!