Edward Starbuck
Edward, our 9th great grandfather, came with Thomas Macy, and James Coffin, in a small boat from Salsibury, England in 1635 during the early settlement of the Massachusetts Bay Colonies and was among the founding fathers of Nantucket Island.
Born in 16 Feb 1604 in Leicester, Derbyshire, England, the son of Edward and Ann Starbuck, he was a young man when he set sail with other men for the new world landing on the shores of New Hampshire with his wife Katherine Eunice Reynolds of Wales, daughter of Robert.
They settled in Dover, New Hampshire which was probably still Massachusetts at that time and it was he that brought the surname Starbuck to the United States. . This rare name is locational and derives from the Village of Starbeck, near Harrogate in Yorkshire, originally spelled ‘Starbok’. This original spelling which appears in the 1086 Domesday Book, indicates a Norse-Viking pre 9th Century origin ‘Stor-Bokki’, literally ‘Great River’. The name “Starbuck” is of Scandinavian decent and it’s possible that the family was of Danish origin that settled in England during the Viking invasions.
Edward is first found in the records as receiving a land grant in 1643 for 40 acres of land on each side of the Eresh River at Cutchechoe, and a platt of Marsh above Cutchechoe where the brook runs out of the river, discovered by Richard Walderne, Edward Colcord,, Edward Starbuck, and William Furber. This definitely suggest that he was a man of exploration and adventure,
From 1643 to 1650 there are records of his many other grants of land.
In 1643, he was chosen as the first Representative from Dover to the General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, and served again in 1647. (This was before New Hampshire existed as a separate colony.)
He and two others were appointed “wearesmen” or official river fishermen for Dover for life and were required to supple the town and the church from their catch.
In 1647 and 1650 he was granted the right to erect a sawmill and went into the timber business with Rich Waldron, and in 1652 he was granted the right to the use of certain lands.
He sold half of his timber and water rights to Peter Coffin who was his son in law, in 1653.
Edward served on a six man committee to settle a boundary dispute between Dover and Kitter in 1654, and was one of the commoners chosen to lay out the boundary between the towns.
Edward was prosecuted for taking on Baptist beliefs and pronouncing the concept that baptism should not take place until a child was old enough to decide for themselves. His religious views were disturbing to the colony, though he was a Quaker his religious views were not acceptable to his fellow townsmen.
In ” Provincial Papers of New Hampsbire,” we find the following:
” Oct. 18, 1648. — The Court being informed of great misdemeanor Committed by Edward Starbuck of Dover with profession of Anabaptism for which he is to be proceeded against at the next Court of Assistants if evidence can be prepared by that time & it being very farre for witnesses to travill to Boston at that season of the year, It is therefore ordered by this Court that the Secretary shall give Commission to Capt. Thomas Wiggan & Mr Edw. Smyth to send for such persons as they shall have notice of which are able to testify in the sd. cause & to take their testimony uppon oath & certifie the same to the secretary so soon as may be, that further proceedings may be therein, if the cause shall so require.”
As a result he was heavily fined. There was no separation for church and state then and the puritans who ran the colony were intolerant of people like the Anabaptists.
In 1658 the Congregational minister swore out a peace bod against him due to his religious beliefs. His last official duty in Dover was serving on a coroner’s jury that investigated the accidental death of a man on Nov. 11, 1659.
Edward could have possibly lived quite comfortably in Dover had it not been for the religious conditions of the colonies. The strong persecution of religious beliefs was most likely the reason that Edward decided to go to Nantucket. At the age of 55, Edward, James Coffin and Isaac Coleman arrived on Nantucket Island with Thomas Macy and stayed throughout the winter. They returned to Massachusetts the next spring, and returned in 1660 with his wife and children, except for daughters Sarah and Abigail, and ten other families. More settlers arrived the following year. Sarah who had married
The white settlers found Nantucket inhabited by about 1600 Wampanoag Indians who were farmers and fisherman and hunters. The arrival of the white man brought disease, alcohol, and debt servitude to the island which cause a cruel toll on the peaceful people over the next 100 years. By 1763 only 358 Indians survived and that number was reduced later that year when more than 222 died of the plague.
It is not to be wondered at that Edward Starbuck was quite ready to leave Dover under existing conditions. He was fifty-five years of age when he joined Thomas Macy in his voyage from Salisbury to Nantucket; he spent the winter there and in the spring returned to Dover for his family, who accompanied him to the island excepting his daughters Sarah (Aus- tin) and Abigail (Coffin), who had married and settled in Dover.
” Dover lost a good citizen ” and Nantucket gained a much respected one ; ” he was a leading man on the Island and at one time a Magistrate; ” he is described as ” courageous and persevering.”
Edward had great repose among the Indians and was often called upon to settle disputes that came up with the natives in Dover and Nantucket. A deed of land to him from the Indians in 1660 is the oldest original Nantucket document in existence and his name appears on many other documents until his death.
During the 35 years of his life on the Island of Nantucket he was Representative in the General court, and Elder in the Church, and in 1669 he and Peter Coffin were appointed by the town meeting to manage the government among the Indians. Four year later He was chosen one of the town’s five selectmen, was one of the highest ranking government officers.
As a clergyman it is said that Edward was the one that read from the Bible at the funeral of his dear friend Tristram Coffin.
Edward was instrumental in the development of the land and began the development of the whaling company.
It is said that at the time of his death he was the wealthiest man in Nantucket owning a third of the Island in land. He left most of his property to his only living son Nathaniel, as was the tradition at that time.

Nathaniel and Mary Starbuck
Nathaniel went with his father to Nantucket and married Mary there in 1662, the daughter of Tristram Coffin (Edward and Tristram being our 9th Great grandparents making Nathaniel and Mary our 8th) Their marriage was the first on the Island, and their daughter, Mary was the first white child born there.
The Nantucket Quakers became influential in every area of life including social behaviors, lifestyles, business, and politics and Nathaniel was highly involved in the lucrative whaling industry.
Quakerisn began to take hold in Nantucket largely due to the influence of Mary Coffin Starbuck, following her conversion to the faith in 1701. Mary (the Great) who eventually became a Quaker preacher, and her husband Nathaniel, led the Quaker movement and the first meetings were held in their home until a meeting house was built in 1711. Mary “esteemed is judge among them” was the moving force in establishing the Society of Friends, (Quakers) on Island.
Nathaniel was one of the strong men among the Nantucket settlers, and would have received more credit but for the superior intellect of his wife. He is said to have been a man of no mean abilities, but was outshone by the superior capacity of his wife, a woman of uncommon powers of mind.

He ran a trading post, where Indians swapped codfish and feathers (used in mattresses) for cloth, hooks, buttons, etc. When Ichabod Paddack of Cape Cod introduced whaling to Nantucket, it was Nathaniel who financed the venture. Due to Nathaniel’s whaling interests, land holdings and store profits, he became one of the wealthiest men–if not the wealthiest man on the Island. So much public business was conducted at this home that it became known as “Parliament House”. It was also there that Quakerism took root on Nantucket thanks mostly to the leadership of his wife, whose importance and fame quite outshone his own not inconsiderable accomplishments. (From James Carlton Starbuck’s book “Starbucks All” published in 1984)
His house was erected near his house lot, but on a spot a short distance southeast which was afterwards set off to him. It was a large house of a capacity sufficient for meetings, both religious and municipal, and was called “Parliament House.” It was located a few feet west of the present Cornish Barn and was placed near the spring. His house lot was on the northwest of the swamp, bounded north by that of James Coffin and south by the swamp and southwest by the lot of Thomas Mayhew. By purchase from Greenleaf and others and by set off, he acquired a large tract around the north head of Hummock Pond. It later was comprised in the Cambridge farm.
Nathaniel and Mary had 10 known children and spread their descendants throughout the US.
He made his will on 14 June 1716 in Sherbourne, Nantucket, Massachusetts. It was probated on 29 August 1719. The will was written while his wife Mary was still alive; codicil was dated 20 November 1717 after her death. Pecuniary legacies given to daughters Eunice Gardner, Priscilla Coleman, Hepsibah Hathaway, and the children of two deceased daughters, Mary Gardner and Elizabeth Barnard. His real estate was given to his sons Barnabas, Nathaniel and Jethro. Witnesses: Thomas Macy, Thomas Clark, William Stratton, John Macy.
The codicil was written shortly after his wife died and devised the household goods to Barnabase, Eunice, and Hephzibah. The three sons were made joint executors.
At the time of his death, he was one of the wealthiest men (if not individually the wealthiest) on Nantucket. He owned three full shares of land, having purchased a share of Stephen Greenleaf.
Are we related to the Starbuck coffee people? That is the most commonly asked question and the answer is no.
Actually the coffee company was not named after anyone. When they were searching for a name for the company they just started throwing out names when someone blurted out the name Starbuck. The name appealed to the literary trio and since characters in Moby Dick and the Rainmaker shared it, and it had a strong ring to it, it was chosen.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this, if so please leave a comment in the section below and let me know!
Until next time!
The Pierce Family Historian
Hello, I’ve begun doing research for a Carsley Family cousin reunion in Harrison Maine this summer. As far as I know, none of our cousins have dug so deeply into the past. Esther (presumed Starbuck) who married Wm Fuber is a grandmother. It’s not been documented, but some historians say she’s Edward and Catherine (Reynolds) Starbuck’s daughter.
What caught my eye is a photograph in your blog’s title page photo collage. The one of the basketball players to the upper right to the “The”. That looks like a photo I had once of my father at Bridgeton Academy. I don’t know what happened to that photo. I think my brother has it now. Thanks very much for the good work you do. Sincerely, Margaret Carsley, Florence, Massachusetts
I believe we may be related. Job Coggeshall married Deborah Starbuck. Job was only Coggeshall in Nantucket.
That is so cool. Yes I’m related to all the Starbucks in the US I believe. Nice to meet you Carol…cousin!
Hi Susan,
I’m related to you, it’s amazing on how many realitves we all may have. I’m a direct descendent and my grandmother is Gayle Starbuck who grew up in Placerita Canyon here in California. It’s nice to see articles and websites relating to the family and the true facts that are written.
I agree. I want to know all about the people in my tree. I’m not satisfied with names and dates. So nice to meet you cousin. I’ll have to follow your line back and get you in the tree.
Sarah Ellen Starbuck (Morris) is my 4th great grandmother. Her dad was Jethro, his dad Hezekiah, his dad Thomas, his dad Jethro, his dad Nataniel and his dad Edward … there history is so wonderful to learn about. I cherish each new thing I learn. I wish there were more photos available.
Sarah married Jonathan Morris and are the founders of Morristown, Minnesota 1855/56. I love knowing my family roots played such a big role in making America amazing!!
God Bless,
Dar Parker (Morris)
Thank you for giving me you lineage. I love meeting cousins don’t you? The more we learn about each other the more we learn about ourselves! Nice to meet you cousin!
Hi Dar Parker, I am your relative. Sarah Ellen Starbuck Morris is my 4th great grandmother also. Sarah and Jonathan Morris’s son Reuben is my 3rd Great Grandfather. Reuben married Margaret Cain. Their Daughter Mary Jane Morris Fox is my great grandmother. She married Bart Fox. Their daughter Margaret Elizabeth “Lizzie” Fox Hogan is my grandmother and my mother is Teresa A Hogan Newbury. After Grandpa Jonathan died, Sarah remarried. After the death of her 2nd husband she moved to Colorado to help her son Johnathan whose wife had passed. Sarah’s son Nathaniel also moved to Colorado and it is said that he founded a small town there. Our cousin Mark Morris is researching this, as Nathaniel is his link in the tree. No one from the Morris family lives in the small town of Morristown, Minnesota, however, there are distant cousins throughout Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, Montana, and Washington state, (which is where Grandmas Cain-Morris, and Mary Jane Morris Fox came with their children and grandchildren after leaving Wisconsin. (They had left Minnesota for Wisconsin, then came West). There are many of Sarah’s descendants that i see on a monthly basis and keep meeting more. You state you wish there were more photos. What are you looking for? Have you visited Morristown? My sister and I were honorary guests there in 2015. The original water wheel of the lumber mill is still there, however, the old cabin was torn down by Sarah’s grandson to build his own home on that property and a flour mill which is run by the water wheel. I have developed a relationship with the lady and her family that live on the property. On special occasions they open the flour mill to guests. Anyway, i have some photos, some more knowledge, and am willing to share. Blessings, Kathleen Newbury Speer
Just came across your story.. Awsome.. My Grandmother’s maiden name was Starbuck. Her dad was John Gayer Starbuck of Omaha Nebraska. She was born in 1902 and had my dad, Gayer Frank Millikin in 1920. So much history it is overwhelming. My dad told me a lot about the Starbucks but he had a hard time tracing the name back. When he died in 1988 I researched and got back to 1635. It was a full time job and good therapy for dealing with his passing. Keep up your great work..
Fred Gayer Millikin
Thanks Fred. I checked my tree and I don’t have you in it but I do have some DNA connections to the Millikins. This gives me a clue as to where to look. I don’t seem to have any Starbucks in the Omaha area either but the Gayer name makes me think we probably have a connection. I’ll keep my eye open for you as I work on the line. Do you have a tree I could look at?
Hello! My great grandmother was Dorothy Fennel Van Ryzin, and she was born outside of Omaha NE…and her mother was Lois Starbuck Fennel, daughter of Perceival Starbuck. Lois was born in TX on a ranch. Dorothy and her family moved to Appleton WI when she was a teenager. I have photocopied pages of a family Bible that show Mary Coffin Starbuck is my 10th great grandmother, Edward Starbuck is my 11th great grandfather. I started a family tree on familysearch.org, and it it amazing to see how far back it goes! 800s AD, but I’m not sure on the accuracy, especially since some very famous historical figures are in it…Edward III, John of Gaunt, tons of English nobility, etc.
I know. But ya do gotta wonder how correct it all is. It’s fun to trace though. I get caught up in just finding my living DNA matches n don’t seem to have time to wander back too far! I’ve been searching for close to 50 years now and am just starting to cross the ocean!
My tree number is 88804887. It is close but it has been a long time since I worked on it. I did get “Starbucks All” in 1989.
John Gayer Starbucks father was Moses Young Starbuck and his father was Gayer Starbuck and his father was Moses Starbuck and his father was Gayer Starbuck and his father was Hezikia and his father was Thomas the son of Jethro who was the son of Nethaniel the son of Edward and Catherine Reynolds. If you can see my tree you can see there is some questioning further back from Hamilton Stephenson Millikin. I am such a novice at this but it is very interesting! Thank you I hope this helps in your study..
Fred Gayer Millikin
Thank you so much for all this great information. Edward is my ancestor, through three of his children.
You are so very welcome. Always check the facts because I make mistakes. If you have anything to share with me please do! Nice to meet you cousin!
I was delighted to read your information about Edward Starbuck. It’s so much more interesting to read about a person and one that was an integral part of the settlement of the future United States. Many of my ancestors were among the founding settlers of Nantucket Island, Edward Starbuck being one of them. Since there were so many marriages among the settlers families I suspect we are related through many families. My Starbuck lineage is as follows: Edward > Nathaniel Sr > Nathaniel Jr. > Elizabeth –then the last name changes. But I’m also related to Thomas Macy, Peter Folger, William Gayer, Tristram Coffin (and of course to “Great Mary”), Richard Gardner, Thomas Barnard, what a history this Kansas female found. They were the movers and “shakers” of their time. Thank you for filling in more of Edward Starbucks life.
May I add my name to all you “cousins.”
So nice to meet you cousin. Yes we are thickly related aren’t we. Sound like we have more than one ancestor in common. I will fill in your line! Keep me in the know!
Hi Susan,
I am new to genealogy and not great at details so I appreciate all the suggestions you are offering. I discovered that my lineage also goes back to Edward Starbuck. My paternal grandmother was Mary Starbuck Coltrane.
In addition, I love your poem, I Am I.
Thank you and very best wishes.
I’m glad to be of some help! I’m going to have to get you in the tree. Nice to meet you cousin ! If I can be of any help at all let me know. I don’t have everything sorted but I have quite a bit of information and I’m always happy to share what I have.
Hi, I’m researching the Starbucks of Nantucket. My 3 GG is Susan Starbuck Roberts, daughter of Edward Starbuck, son of William, son of Edward Starbuck, son of Paul. I’m enjoying your blog.
So glad you are enjoying it. If you come across anything interesting please do share! I love collaborating with cousins! So nice to meet you cousin!
Hey Susan, my name is (Gary Medlin). Edward Starbuck IV, B:1603 Derbyshire, England – D:1690 Nantucket is my 9th Great Grandfather as well. I traced my family history on the Mitchell side of my family through my mother’s father (Arthur George Mitchell B:1909 Ft. Worth, Texas – D:1975 Mineral Wells, Texas. I just thought it was interesting that I came across your post upon watching the movie/documentary (Moby Dick the Whale) on the app Tubi. And it named the Starbuck Family as being part of the elite families of Nantucket and their involvement in selling of Whale oil. So I started researching and came across your post. I love the things I am finding out about my family and the rich history as I continue doing my family research.
Gary Medlin
(940) 659-8048
GREAT TO HEAR FROM YOU. I wonder if we are related also through the Mitchells? Always nice to meet a cousin. I’m going to do some research on you Mitchells and see if we connect. One thing about our family is they kept it close. It’s a nightmare when working with DNA!!
Susan, I too am a Starbuck descendant. Ruth Ann Starbuck, b.daughter, born Indiana, daughter of Jesse Starbuck, was my gg grandmother. Jesse went to Michigan from Indiana. Ruth Ann married Charles Williams, had Francis my great grandmother, who had my grandmother Pearl in Gilford Michigan. There is some mystery surrounding my grandmothers birth. I’ve yet to solve the mystery. Are you on Ancestry. Com. Did you have the dna test?
yes I am on ancestry, myheritage, family search, wikitree and a few more I can’t think of. I’ve done a DNA test on ancestry and genes for good. I have my DNA uploaded to Ged Match as I like to paint the segments to see if I can find the ch. of my ancestors. I have to admit I’m still learning with the dna thing. I so wish that Ancestry had a segment browser. My family is so mixed there is a bit of a pedigree break down. But I’m still trying. I’d love to connect with you and compare notes.
Thank you.
I’m just learning about my Nantucket ancestors, from the Starbuck, coffin,Macy and Gardner families.
This was very insightful.
Welcome cousin!! I’m glad you enjoyed it. If you pick up on any good info not included please share with us!
Thank you for sharing the enlightening and substantial history of our ancestors dating to Edward Starbuck.
I have some of your information on the Starbucks All I received from my dad, Virgil K Starbuck many years ago. He is the most recent Starbuck included in that geneology.
I have just begun my travel plans to Nantucket Island in the Fall 2021.
Thank you for sharing!
I’m so glad you enjoyed it! Come back often and share what you learn. We can never know too much can we?
I wonder if you could help us with an enquiry about the first Edward Starbuck (born 1604 and arrived in America 1635) and his family in England?
In the 1840s members of the Starbuck family from Hickling (Nottinghamshire, but family origins in Leicestershire & Lincolnshire) emigrated to Australia and New Zealand and we have recently been involved in tracing these various stories.
Our new friends in Australia & New Zealand are also keen to work out whether there is a connection to the Nantucket Starbucks; to work this out, I think we need to connect with Edward Starbuck’s antecedents, if possible! A birth date for Edward in February 1604 seems quite firmly understood but we have seen various possible locations – do you have copies of birth records which you could share with us? Or further information about his parents or siblings?
I have really enjoyed reading your webpage – thank you!
Best wishes,
Jane, I apologize for taking so long to reply. Someone keeps hacking my site and I only found your message during some clean up. Let me look and see what I have. And I will get back to you. Promise!
I am a direct descendant of Mary(Great Mary) Starbuck. Mary was my 7th grandmother. I wish I had known her. My mother’s maternal line is entirely Quaker, from Nantucket and Ling Island. In the 19thC, my Anglo-Irish ancestor, James Husband Langford, married my grandmother, Clara Mitchell Robbins. My youngest son, and his wife, have recently settled in Nantucket year round.
Hi Susan,
I was interested in your history, particularly as my ancestors include members of the Starbuck family – they were Watermen living and working on the Thames in Gravesend, Kent, England.
It appears the Starbucks, a Quaker family, moved from Leicestershire, where they worked on the rivers, to Kent around 1634. It seems highly likely that there was a connection between the Leicestershire/Kent and Nantucket Starbucks and I would be interested to explore this.
Please could you tell me what evidence you have for Edward Starbuck’s precise origins. You state he was born in “Derby, Leicestershire” – Should that perhaps be Derby in Derbyshire or somewhere else in Leicestershire?
(I have seen a transcript of a baptismal record for an Edward(us) Starbrook for February 1603 at All Saints, Derby (Derbyshire); father – Edward Starbrook)
I am genuinely interested in any information you have on Edward’s origins and travels
Hi Susan,
I wrote yesterday but have done a little research/ reading since.
I think there is a slight misunderstanding in your first paragraph on Edward Starbuck. I believe that the trip taken with Thomas Macy from Salisbury was not, in fact, when Edward emigrated from England but was instead made in 1659 between Salisbury, Massachusetts, and Nantucket (ref. “Early Settlers of Nantucket” by LS Hinchman).
I am still interested in finding Edward Starbuck’s precise origins and wonder if you have any relevant information; different authors suggest either that he originated somewhere unknown in England, or somewhere in Derbyshire or Leicestershire (but possibly only because that’s where most Starbucks lived?).
I mentioned an Edward Starbuck baptized at All Saints Church (now Cathedral) Derby in February 1603 to father, Edward. A William Starbuck was also baptized there to Edward on 7 June 1607. It is possible that the Edward Starbuck b.1603 founded the Nantucket dynasty, and that the William Starbuck b.1607 was the William who did the same in Gravesend (my ancestors). But that is probably just my wishful thinking.
Many Regards
one of my sources is from Directory of the Ancestral Heads of New England Families, 1620-1700 stating he is from Debyshire, England Another source I have I got from another is a clipping that I’m not sure where came from. I can send you that if you would like. This also came from another…: Edward Starbuck (b. 1604, Drycot, Derbyshire, England; d. 4 Feb 1690, Nantucket, MA) came from Derbyshire, England to Dover, New Hampshire. He was a Deputy for that town on 1643 and wearsman in 1644 for Cocheco Falls and River in 1653. He became a freeman and in 1659 went to Nantucket with Thomas Macy, Isaac Coleman and Joseph Coffin, having become a part owner in the Island. Edward Starbuck was born in 1605 and married Katharine Reynolds of Wales.
http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~mcronin111/starbuck.htm There is a lot of information on him out there sorting what is and isn’t is a chore but part of fun.
This is such a great find. After many many years of thinking our family was from the William White, (grandpa was Ernest Duty White) We found out that it was not in fact the same Thomas White as the Mayflower. My grandparents and Mom passed thinking they were. My brother and I had taken on Moms desires for geneology and he contacted the powers that be to find we are not. Of course now that DNA is a factor we serioulsy know it.
So when researcing the Varney said of our tree I ran accross the marriage of Humpfrey to Esther Starbuck. Wow. At least we know the linage takes us back to the early settlers and a nice surpirse to see the Starbucks were instremental in the settlement of Nantucket. While I do find some folks have Humphrey married to Sarah, I am fairly certain after all this that it is in fact Esther and Sarah married a Joseph Austin. If am in correct I’d love to know. I myself had him married to Sarah. However I will continue to pursue that to be sure for a while longer.
Thank You!!
According to the Early American Family Histories Esther is married to Humphrey Varney. I have Sarah Married to Joseph Austin but find a grave list her as Sarah Varney. Perhaps she was married twice??? It’s hard when you get back that far to know. Maybe there is more than one Sarah? I think we just have to make our best guess until we find proof.
Hello Susan, just stumbled across your information and I’m sure we have to be cousins
My maternal G Grandmother was Frances Ellen Starbuck Hamilton, her parents were George Taylor Starbuck 1794 -1877 and Jane B. Martin Starbuck 1810-1882, (George’s first wife was Anna Macy Starbuck 1794-1836), George’s parents were Matthew Starbuck 1750 -1815 and Lydia Barney Starbuck 1755 -?, Matthew’s parents were Edward Starbuck 1719 -1798 and Damaris Worth 1722-1780, Edward’s parents were Paul Starbuck 1694-1759 and Ann Tibbetts ? – 1736, Paul’s parents were Nathaniel Starbuck 1668-1753 and Dinah Coffin Starbuck 1674-1750, Nathaniel’s parents were Nathaniel 1636-1719 and Mary Coffin Starbuck 1645-1717, Nathaniel’s parents were Edward Starbuck 1604-1690 and Catherine Reynolds Starbuck. Sorry to ramble !
Hi Larry (and Susan), I have been tracking my ancestry and stumbled on this web page. My Starbuck lineage follows the above tree, however my branch differs at Matthew. My ancestor was his brother Paul Starbuck (1748-1826), Seth Starbuck (1768-1850), Seth Starbuck (1816-1901), James L Starbuck (1849-1887), Seth B Starbuck (1879-1952), James L Starbuck (1904-1988), Frederic L Starbuck (1935- ), Dirk L Starbuck (1959- ) to me … Dawn Claire Starbuck Thomas (1979- ) .
This page is very interesting. Thank You! I will be updating what I can on my Ancestry.com profile/ tree.
Nice to come across so many cousins.
Hello cousin. Thank you for sharing your lineage. I’ll make sure I get it in my tree. I apologize for the late reply. (health issues) but I’m back at it.
Hello Susan,
Im so pleased to discover your very informative website. I have been trying to associate my Starbuck family here in Derbyshire England to the Nantucket Starbuck’s and have just recently been able to do so. ‘Nantucket Edward ‘is my 9th Gt. granduncle. i am so pleased. There is so much history! I am also gathering information on the Derbyshire Starbucks. Happy to help where I can.
Many thanks,
Nice to meet you. Maybe you can help me with the oversea’s connections. I feel really out of my league when I research out of the United States but it would be nice to put some of the international DNA matches in my tree. So we are cousins like way back!! How fun! Yes there is so much history. I found an old book I’ve been reading and re reading written by a Charles Coffin on the Early Colonies. It is so full of good stuff and lots of mention of names. I keep going back and checking names to see if they are in the tree. Would you be willing to share your line? I’d love to take a look.
Interesting, Have a binder with family history from my moms side of the Barlow family.
Interesting, Have a binder with Starbuck family history from my moms side of the Barlow family.
That is awesome. I downloaded the whole book on the Gardners. It’s interesting. Have you filled in you line on a family tree?
Hello! Just came across this. My
Mother’s maiden name is Starbuck. Father Clarence Starbuck. The family line came to Indiana by North Carolina from Nantucket. Thank you for the information. Hoping for a visit to the island in the fall
Hello! My mother’s maiden name is Starbuck. Father Clarence Starbuck. Edward Starbuck is 10th(?) great grandfather. His family line came to Indiana via North Carolina from Nantucket. Thank you for the
Excellent information
Nice to meet you Patti. I’m so glad you found us. If you find anything out of sync please let me know. I too am wanting to visit the Island. I hope you’ll come back and share with us you visit.
Thank you very much for this well written and entertaining account. I am a distant relative, through Humphrey Varney, Edward Starbucks son-in-law from Dover NH (Humphrey, Ebenezer, Stephen, Moses, Joseph, Joseph, Lizzie May Varney). Most of the Varneys were Quaker; Moses was a vigorous abolitionist, hosting a large abolitionist convention in Wolfeboro, NH in 1853 and running a stop on the underground railway in his barn. Please keep up the good work!
Daniel Symonds, MD
Mary coffin Starbuck is my 8th Great great grandmother. I am traveling to nantucket to gather information location of their dwelling place etc.
My . Great great grandfather was Gilbert G. Bailey. He married Mary Starbuck d/o Isaac Starbuck, s/o James Starbuck, s/o Benjamin Jr, s/o Benjamin Sr Starbuck, s/o Nathanial II, s/o Nathanial Starbuck and Mary Coffin. Any information, photos where to go would much be appreciated Norma
nice to meet you cousin! I’ll get you in my tree. Thank you for sharing your line. After your visit please come back and share. Take lots of photos for us.
It was nice to come across this website. I like to dabble with my ancestry, which I have traced back to Edward Starbuck (born 1604 in Leicester, England) and reportedly the first Starbuck to emigrate to what became USA. Like many others, I so much wish to visit Nantucket Island in my lifetime to see where my ancestors began their North American lives. My dad always said we descended from whalers in Nantucket. If my research is correct (which includes the great book “Starbucks All” by James C. Starbuck, then I would be the 12th generation from Edward Starbuck and my dad William W. Starbuck was the 11th. I believe our line is as follows: My Starbuck ancestry moved from Nantucket and settled in Indiana, Ohio, Iowa and several in Missouri where I was born and live.
12. Robert David Starbuck (me)
11. William Wellington Starbuck (my dad)
10. Albert Oscar Starbuck (my grandfather)
9. Charles Isaac Starbuck (my great grandfather)
8. Isaac Starbuck
7. Moses Starbuck
6. Gayer Starbuck
5. Hezekiah Starbuck
4. Thomas Starbuck
3. Jethro Starbuck
2. Nathaniel Starbuck (married Mary Coffin, 1st marriage on Nantucket Island)
1. Edward Starbuck (born 1604, died 1690 on Nantucket Island)
Robert David Starbuck
Kansas City, MO
OHH I agree ….I so want to go to Nantucket. Thank you for sharing your line. I’ll get you in my tree. Nice to meet you cousin!! We don’t live that far from each other. Isn’t it amazing how they traveled?
Thank you so much for the this history. While doing research on ancestry DNA I have found that Edward Starbuck is my 10th great grandfather.
that is awesome!!
HI Susan,
Thanks so much for this history of Edward Starbuck. You’ve done an excellent job of this! Would love any input from you if I’ve made a mistake somewhere in this line….My Great Grandmother was Mahala Starbuck (1833-1909) daughter of Robert Starbuck (1805-1892) & Hannah Addleman. Robert Starbuck was the son of Edward Starbuck (1777-1862). Edward’s father was William Starbuck (1748-1837), who was the son of Edward Starbuck (1719-1798) and Damaris Worth (1722-1780). Edward Starbuck’s father was Paul Starbuck (1690-1759), son of Nathaniel Starbuck (1658-1752), who was the son of Nathaniel Starbuck (1635-1719). His father was Edward Starbuck (1604-1690) who is my 12th G. Grandfather, correct? PS. Greetings, Cousin! 🙂
Thank you for sharing your lineage with us. I’m still working on the lineages downward and as of now don’t have anything further down thant Edward. I think people are confusing some Edwards and I stopped there to do more research. I have Edward 1777 his father Hezekiah and Mary Coffin. So I was going to do more research and see if I could find out the right Edwards. I see where other’s also have William as his father. Soo…there much be some confusion somewhere. Nice to meet you also cousin. I’ll keep in touch and let your know what I can find.
Hello, I just found your family research. I am also a 9th great grand daughter of Edward and Katherine Starbuck. I have James Starbuck’s book, “Starbuck’s All” along with his supplement in 1990. I was doing a little more research to see what is out there new to me because my sister and I are about to visit Nantucket to see it for ourselves. We follow direct Starbuck male lineage down to my Great Grandmother Florence Jane Starbuck. I enjoyed reading your summary as it is very concise and really tell the story well.
Oh please do come back and share your trip with us. It’s on my bucket list to go to Nantucket. I would love to know what you learn. SO much history that direction !! Nice to meet you Linda.
Hi Susan, I’m a descendant of Ed. Starbuck and Tristram Coffin. Edward’s daughter Abigail married Tristram’s son Peter and those are my ancestors on my mother’s side. As a weird aside, when Starbuck and Macy made off for Nantucket, Macy sold his house in Amesbury MA to Anthony Colby who was my father’s ancestor.
Thank you for your website visit. Oh yes please share your knowledge with me. I’m most interested.